Glossaire | Interreg Caraïbes


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partnership agreement

The Partnership Agreement is a document prepared by a Member State with the involvement of partners in line with the multi-level governance approach, which sets out that Member State's strategy, priorities and arrangements for using ESI Funds in an effective and efficient way so as to pursue the EU strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

accord de partenariat

An agreement is a convention or promise between two or more parties, by deed in writing, signed, and delivered, by which either of the parties pledges himself to the other that something is either done, or shall be done, or shall not be done.

accord écrit

Un accord est une convention ou une promesse entre deux ou plusieurs parties, par un acte écrit, signé et remis, par laquelle l'une ou l'autre des parties s'engage envers l'autre à ce que quelque chose soit fait, veiller à ce qu'elle soit obligatoirement fait, ou alors qu'elle ne soit pas fait.


An activity is a specific task performed for which resources are used. It's a work package component which may or may not result in a deliverable or an output.


Une activité est une tâche spécifique exécutée pour laquelle des ressources sont utilisées. Il s'agit d'un volet de l'ensemble des travaux qui peut ou non donner lieu à un produit livrable ou à un extrant.

pilot activity

Pilot activity is a practical measure implemented in the context of a territorial cooperation project that aims to test or pilot strategies and tools in the partner regions.

activité pilote

Additionality is one of the principles driving the workings of the European Structural and Investment Funds. This principle stipulates that contributions from the Funds must not replace public or equivalent structural expenditure by a Member State in the regions where this principle applies. In other words, the financial allocations from the Structural and Investment Funds must not result in a reduction of national structural expenditure in those regions, but should be in addition to national public spending.


L'additionnalité est l'un des principes conduisant le fonctionnement des Fonds structurels et d'investissement européens. Ce principe stipule que les condtributions provenant des Fonds ne doivent pas se substituer aux dépenses structurelles publiques ou équivalentes d'un État membre dans les régions où ce principe s'applique. En d'autres termes, les allocations financières des Fonds structurels et des Fonds d'investissements ne doivent pas se traduire par une réduction des dépenses structurelles nationales dans ces régions, mais doivent s'ajouter aux dépenses publiques nationales.

State Aid

State Aid means action by a (national, regional or local) public authority, using public resources, to favour certain undertakings or the production of certain goods. A business that benefits from such aid thus enjoys an advantage over its competitors. Control of State Aid thus reflects the need to maintain free and fair competition within the European Union. Aid which is granted selectively by Member States or through state resources and which may affect trade between Member States or distort competition is therefore prohibited (Article 107 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union - TFEU). State Aid may nonetheless be permitted if justified by objectives of general economic interest, if it falls within the General Block Exemption (e.g. Article 19 - Cooperation costs of SMEs in ETC), if it falls within de minims, or if it has been notified to and approved by DG Competition.

aide d'état
de minimis aid

De Minimis Aid is small amounts (see: de minimis ceiling) of public funding constituing State Aid (see: state aid) given to a single beneficiary which is unlikely to distorst the competition.

aide de minimis
pro-rata allocation of costs

Pro-rata allocation of costs means proportionate allocation of costs, revenue, shares, etc. to a project or project partner on the basis of a fair, equitable and verifiable calculation method.

allocation au prorata des coûts

Depreciation is the loss in value of an asset over time. The full purchase price of an asset is eligible if the item is solely used for the project during its total economic and depreciable lifetime. Depreciation may be eligible, provided the cost relates exclusively to the period of support and that no public grants have contributed towards the acquisition of the depreciated asset.

risk assessment

Risk assessment aims to obtain better understanding of the project, its environment and/or the project partner, in order to identify and assess the risks of material misstatement due to fraud or error. Sampling methodologies often include risk assessments as a basis for planning the sampling methodology.

analyse de risques

An annex is a document or documents attached to the main form to be submitted to the programme at different stages (e.g., Application Form, Progress Report).


Une annexe est un document ou plusieurs documents joints au formulaire principal qui seront soumis au programme à différentes étapes (par exemple: Formulaire de candidature, Rapport d'avancement).

call for proposals

Calls for proposals is a mechanism whereby a selection process is launched to choose candidates/projects on a competitive basis. Actors are invited to submit project proposals. Calls for proposals are publicly announced. Information is provided on the type of projects that will be considered for funding and on specific conditions to be met in each Call for Proposals. Only part of the proposed projects will pass the selection test.

appel à propositions
project approval

Project Approval is the letter lead partners of approved projects receive after the funding decision has been made, stating the decision of the Monitoring / Steering Committee, as well as the total ERDF fund approved. The programme might also recommend certain project modifications to optimise the project delivery.

approbation du projet
conditional approval

A conditional approval is a project selection decision that a project can be approved only if it meets a number of conditions (e.g., budget cuts, work plan modifications) before final approval. The conditions cannot fundamentally change the project, and must be met within a deadline. If not, the project could be rejected.

approbation sous conditions
technical assistance

Technical assistance is help available to stakeholders when implementing Commission-funded programmes and projects. Under the European Union's cohesion policy such financial support can be used to pay for preparation, management, evaluation, monitoring, audit and control. Money for such activities is made available through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Social Fund (ESF) and Cohesion Fund. EU rules place a limit on the proportion of funding from the operational programmes that can be allocated to technical assistance. If technical assistance is initiated by or on behalf of the Commission, that ceiling is 0.35 % of the annual provision for each fund. If technical assistance comes from the Member States, the ceiling is 4 %.

assistance technique

An audit is the process of verification that implementation of the programme is in line with EU regulations and programme rules. Audit is delivered yearly by an Audit Authority (see: audit authority) and it consist of two parts; one is audit of operations which is a verification of eligibility of expenditures claimed from and reimbursed by the EC. The second is a system audit, which is the verification that all the systems described in the description of management and control system function properly.


Un audit consiste à vérifier que la mise en œuvre du programme est conforme à la réglementation de l'Union européenne et aux règles du programme.L'audit est dispensé chaque année par une autorité d'audit (voir : autorité d'audit) et se compose de deux parties ; le premier est l'audit des opérations, qui est une vérification de l'éligibilité des dépenses demandées à la Communauté Européenne et remboursées par cette dernière.

certifying authority

A Certifying Authprity is the body responsible for submitting certified statements of expenditure to the Commission, and for ensuring eligibility with EU, national and programme rules. The CA sometimes also verifies the quality of the verifications carried out by Joint Secretariat desk officers and, on a sample basis, checks the correctness of the reports from the beneficiaries. The CA ensures that the statement of expenditure is accurate, results from reliable accounting systems, and is based on verifiable supporting documentation and that the expenditure declared complies with applicable EU-, Programme- and National Rules.

Autorité de certification
Managing Authority (MA)

The Managing Authority (MA) is the operationally-responsible body of the programme. It ensures the effective and efficient implementation of the programme, and delivers the programme strategy in accordance with preset quality standards. The MA therefore takes the lead in establishing systems and procedures, and ensures that these are maintained. The MA usually handles the more formal communications ‘upwards’ to the Member States and the European Commission (EC).

autorité de gestion
audit authority

An Audit Authority is either a national, regional or local authority or body, functionally independent of the Managing Authority (MA) and Certifying Authority (CA). The AA is designated by the Member State for each operational programme, and is responsible for verifying the successful implementation of the programme. The AA also monitors, among other things, project compliance with programme rules, national rules and European regulations.

autorité d’audit
Opinion (EU law)

An Opinion is an instrument that allows the institutions to make a statement in a non-binding fashion, in other words without imposing any legal obligation on those to whom it is addressed. An opinion is not binding. It can be issued by the main EU institutions (Commission, Council, Parliament), the Committee of the Regions, and the European Economic and Social Committee. While laws are being made, the committees give opinions from their specific regional or economic and social viewpoint.

avis (droit de l'UE)
priority axis

A priority axis is a priority of the strategy in the Cooperation programme. It contains operations which are related and have specific measurable goals.

axe prioritaire