performance framework The performance framework is the basis which the European Commission will use to assess the performance of a programme. They use the framework as a tool for examining the performance of the programmes at the level of priorities against the milestones set for the end of 2018 and the end of the programming period. Where performance is unsatisfactory, the Commission may decide to issue a warning, propose reprogramming resources, or suspend funds. |
cadre de performance |
capitalisation of results Capitalisation of results is a process of capturing, analysing and using the results to support their (re-)use and/or their transfer, ultimately promoting improved performance and delivery. |
capitalisation des résultats |
expenditure category see 'budget line' |
catégorie de dépenses |
control certificate A control certificate certifies that a controller fulfilled the requirements of its Member State. |
certificat de contrôle |
project closure Project closure is the last phase in the project implementation process. The focus is on the completion of all work packages and delivery of project results. If the work plan has been successfully completed within budget the project can be closed – once it has completed the final financial control. The financial aspects of the closure process involve making sure that all costs have been appropriately charged to the project, that a proper audit trail exists, and that all post revenue incomes have been accounted for. The project closure also refers to putting the relevant arrangements in place regarding post-project obligations towards such legal aspects as ownership and changes thereof, cessation of activities, reallocation of outputs, and Intellectual Property Rights of project outputs and results and free of charge access to them. |
clôture du projet |
programme co-financing Programme co-financing is the programme financial support provided to the project. Depending on the programme, this entails support from EU funds (ERDF, IPA II, ENI) and ERDF equivalent (e.g., Norwegian fund). |
co-financement |
reconciliation Reconciliation means checking whether a figure included in one document is identical with the same figure included in another document (e.g., comparing figures in the bank account statement with the list of expenditure). |
cohérence |
territorial cohesion Territorial Cohesion is all about ensuring that people are able to make the most of the inherent features of the areas in which they live. No European citizen should be disadvantaged in terms of access to public services, housing, or employment opportunities simply by living in one region rather than another. Territorial cohesion aims for more balanced and sustainable development. Strengthening economic and social cohesion by reducing disparities between regions in the EU is a clear objective of the EU. The Treaty of Lisbon, signed in 2007 and currently in the process of ratification, introduces a third dimension: Territorial cohesion. To achieve this objective, an integrated approach is needed. This implies better coordination between sectoral policies at each level, from local to European. It also entails closer cooperation and improved connections. Many issues - climate change, migration - do not respect standard boundaries and could be better addressed through a more tailored response from several regions or countries. |
cohésion territoriale |
local government Local governemnt is an administrative body or system in which political direction and control is exercised over the community of a city, town or small district. |
collectivité locale/territoriale |
Steering Group (programme) A group of people appointed to perform strategic coordination, evaluation and decision-making in the project. It generally includes management representatives from project partner organisations involved in the project and any other key stakeholder groups that have special interest in the outcome of the project. |
comité de pilotage (programme) |
Steering Committee (project) The Steering Committee for projects is a board made up of representatives of the project partners or external stakeholders who provide guidance and take decisions on the implementation of the project. |
comité de pilotage (projet) |
Monitoring Committee (MC) The Monitoring Committee (MC) is a committee which provides each Member State with representation in the programme and is steered by the programme interest. The principle task of the MC is to ensure the quality and effectiveness of implementation and the accountability of the programme implementation. It takes decisions on programme level and needs to be kept informed of progress towards programme objectives, the status of programme finances and any problems in programme level bodies and procedures. |
comité de suivi |
European Commission The European Commission is the executive arm of the European Union. It initiates European Union policy and implements programmes and policies established by the EU legislative and budgetary authorities. |
Commission européenne |
municipality A municipality is a town, city, or other district with powers of local self-government. |
commune |
communication Communication is defined as the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. Communication is one of the crucial elements in programme and project management. It is used to refer to general information, publicity and visibility operations (activities, materials) carried out by the programme or by the project. |
communication |
press release A press release is a written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something newsworthy. Typically, they are sent to editors and journalists at newspapers, magazines, radio stations, online media, television stations or television networks. |
communiqué de presse |
thematic concentration Thematic concentration is one of the leading principles of cohesion policy for the period 2014-2020, and as such it applies to all Interreg Programmes. There are 11 Thematic Objectives, ranging from low carbon economy to social inclusion, covering the Europe 2020 priorities (smart growth, sustainable growth, inclusive growth). Interreg programmes are obliged to choose up to 4 Objectives from this list which address the common needs, challenges and opportunities of the Programme area. The themes also take into account national, regional and local level priorities which have been laid out by the respective Member States in their different strategies and policy documents. |
concentration thématique |
conflict of interest A conflict of interest is a situation that has the potential to undermine the impartiality of a person because of the possibility of a clash between the person's self-interest and professional interest or public interest. |
conflit d'intérêts |
subsidy contract A subsidiary contract is a grant agreement between the contracting authority (managing authority) and the lead partner. |
contrat de subvention |
contribution A contribution is a counterpart to programme co-financing secured by the partners (paid by the partners from their own resources, or paid to the partners from external sources). Depending on the source of contribution (partner’s own resources, external sources) and their legal status, the contribution can be public and/or private. |
contrepartie financière |
public contribution Public contribution refers to the amount secured by the partners from sources having a public legal status.The programme funds meet only a proportion of the project expenditure. The remainder has to be covered from other sources, which can be the partner's own resources or it can come from external sources, but not from another EU fund. |
contrepartie publique |
in-kind contributions In-kind contributions are contributions in the form of provision of works, goods, services, land and real estate for which no cash payment supported by invoices or documents of equivalent probative value has been made. |
contribution en nature |
private contribution Private contribution refers to the amount of funds secured by the partners from sources with a private legal status.The programme funds meet only a proportion of the project expenditure. The remainder has to be covered from other sources, which can be the partner's own resources or it can come from external sources, but not from another EU fund. |
contribution privée |
automatic public contribution Automatic Public Contribution is public funding automatically allocated to a project partner from national/regional sources. Some Member States/regions provide public support to organisations in their territories in order to facilitate their participation in cooperation programmes. The decision to grant public national/regional funding is normally linked to the project selection process, and is taken by the respective Member State/regional authority before or after project approval. Automatic public contribution comes from sources external to the partner organisation; i.e., it is different from resources provided by a public organisation that is itself involved as a project partner. |
contribution publique automatique |
control Control means any measure taken to provide reasonable assurance regarding the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of operations, the reliability of reporting, the safeguarding of assets and information, the prevention, detection and correction of fraud and irregularities and their follow-up. Control also includes the adequate management of risks related to the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions, taking into account the multiannual character of programmes, as well as the nature of the payments concerned. Controls may involve various checks. |
contrôle |
first level control (FLC) see "control" |
contrôle de premier niveau |
plausibility check A plausibility check is a standard verification by controllers to verify that a project-related expenditure is credible and probable. Plausibility checks are based on the professional judgement of the controller. |
contrôle de vraisemblance |
on-the-spot check/visit On-the-spot checks/visits refer to checks undertaken by FLC (and Managing Authorities) on the premises of a project partner or any other project-related site, for example in order to verify existence and reality of purchased goods and equipment. Often understood as referring to checks undertaken by FLC, JS or AA. |
contrôle sur place |
controller reviewer A controller reviewer is a second controller who verifies checks undertaken by the primary controller (4-eyes principle). Often done on a sample basis. The controller reviewer can be a peer or a superior. |
contrôleur réviseur |
auditor An auditor is the person who carries out the audit. |
contrôleur, auditeur |
controller Controller is an abbreviated term for first level controller. |
contrôleur/CPN controleur de premier niveau |
project partnership agreement The Project Partnership Agreement is the contract signed between the Lead Partner and all Project Partners. It contains all duties and responsibilities of each project partner before, during and after the project implementation. |
convention partenariale du projet |
interregional cooperation Interregional cooperation is aimed at enhancing EU regional development through transfers of know-how and exchanges of experiences between regions. |
coopération interrégionale |
European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) The European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) objective of the EU's Cohesion Policy supports cooperation across borders of the EU. The 3 dimensions of the ETC Objective: (1) Cross-Border Cooperation: helps transform regions located on either side of borders of the European Union into strong economic and social poles. In particular cross-border actions are encouraged in the fields of entrepreneurship, improving joint management of natural resources, supporting links between urban and rural areas, improving access to transport and communication networks, developing joint use of infrastructure, administrative cooperation and capacity building, employment, community interaction, culture and social affairs. (2) Transnational Cooperation: promotes cooperation among greater European regions, including the ones surrounding sea basins (e.g., Baltic Sea Region, North Sea, Mediterranean and Atlantic Area) or mountain ranges (e.g., Alpine Space) and facilitates coordinated strategic responses to joint challenges like flood management, transport and communication corridors, international business and research linkages, urban development and others. Special attention is given to outermost and island regions (e.g., Indian Ocean, Caribbean Area or Northern Periphery). (3) Interregional Cooperation: provides a framework for the exchange of experiences between local and regional actors from across Europe in order to contribute to the EU’s strategies on growth, jobs and sustainable development. In addition, it aims at reducing disparities by matching less experienced regions with more advanced regions in the various policy fields such as innovation, demographic change, energy supply and climate change. |
Coopération Territoriale Européenne (CTE) |
cross-border cooperation Cross-Border Collaboration is the name given to collaboration between adjacent areas across borders. The main aim is to reduce the negative effects of borders as administrative, legal and physical barriers, tackle common problems, and exploit untapped potential. Through joint management of programmes and projects, mutual trust and understanding are strengthened, and the cooperation process is enhanced. |
coopération transfrontalière |
transnational cooperation Transnational Cooperation means collaboration between functional areas. It promotes cooperation among greater European regions, including the ones surrounding sea basins or mountain ranges, and facilitates coordinated strategic responses to joint challenges conducive to integrated territorial development. |
coopération transnationale |
financial corrections Financial corrections are withdrawals of funding that take place when payments to EU-backed projects have been made in error due to irregularities. |
corrections financières |
staff costs Staff Costs is the budet line that covers expenditure related to all costs of hiring staff in the beneficiary's institution. |
coûts de personnel |
preparation costs Preparation Costs are costs borne by project partners when carrying out activities directly linked to preparation of the project (e.g., development of the project idea, meetings with project partners/ programme bodies (Contact Points, JS), preparation of the application, etc.). |
coûts de préparation |
direct costs Direct costs are costs that can be attributed directly to the project. They are directly related to an individual activity of the partner organisation, where the link with this individual activity can be demonstrated (for instance, through direct time registration). (HIT) |
coûts directs |
costs incurred Costs incurred are costs accumulated in relation to the preparation and/or implementation of the project that are recorded as liabilities on the balance sheet of the partner organisation until they are discharged or paid. Incurred costs may include both direct and indirect costs. |
coûts engagés |
indirect costs Indirect costs are costs that cannot be assigned in full to the project, as they link to various activities of the partner organisation. As such costs cannot be connected directly to an individual activity, it is difficult to determine precisely the amount attributable to this activity (for instance, telephone, water, electricity expenses, etc.). (HIT) |
coûts indirects |
shared costs Shared costs of a project are costs common to at least two project partners, thus shared between them according to a transparent, fair and equitable method. Shared costs derive from a joint implementation of the project, and link to activities that benefit a number of project partners, or the whole partnership (e.g., activities related to project management, project communication). |
coûts partagés |
real costs Real costs is expenditure actually incurred and paid (taking into account any rebate, discount or financial support) and supported by invoices or other documents of equivalent probative value. |
coûts réels |
leasing Leasing is when the owner (the lessor) of a specific asset (such as a parcel of land, building, equipment, or machinery) grants a second party (the lessee) the right to its exclusive possession and use for a specific period and under specified conditions, in return for specified periodic rental or lease payments. |
crédit-bail |
eligibility criteria Eligibility criteria is the criteria used to assess the eligibility of the project. Whether the project is eligible or not eligible depends on rules set at EU and programme level. |
critères d'éligibilité |
(quality) assessment criteria (Quality) assesment criteria is a group of related assessment questions that form the basis for judging or deciding whether or not to fund a project. Used once the project is declared compliant during the administrative and eligibility check. |
critères d'évaluation Les critères d'évaluation (de la qualité) sont représentés par un groupe de questions d'évaluation connexes qui sert de fondement afin de déterminer ou décider de financer un projet. Ces critères sont utilisés une fois que le projet a été déclaré conforme lors du contrôle administratif et d'éligibilité. |
(quality) assessment criteria (Quality) assesment criteria is a group of related assessment questions that form the basis for judging or deciding whether or not to fund a project. Used once the project is declared compliant during the administrative and eligibility check. |
critères d'évaluation Les critères d'évaluation (de la qualité) sont représentés par un groupe de questions d'évaluation connexes qui sert de fondement afin de déterminer ou décider de financer un projet. Ces critères sont utilisés une fois que le projet a été déclaré conforme lors du contrôle administratif et d'éligibilité. |
cooperation criteria Cooperation criteria are the four joint criteria used to measure to what extent projects cooperate. Project partners must cooperate in the development and implementation of projects. In addition, they must cooperate in the staffing or the financing of projects, or in both. For projects in programmes between outermost regions and third countries or territories, the project partners are required to cooperate only in two fields: joint development and joint implementation. |
critères de coopération |