Glossaire | Interreg Caraïbes


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Added-value is an additional benefit to the value created by actions of individuals and structures on one side of a border. It results from cooperation across borders, and it reflects the broader relevance and significance of an action with a view to presenting models and mechanisms which can be applied across borders.

valeur ajoutée

La valeur ajoutée est un atout complémentaire à la valeur créée par les actions des individus et des structures d'un côté de la frontière. Elle résulte d'une coopération transfrontalière et reflète la pertinence et l'importance plus larges d'une action en vue de présenter des modèles et des dispositifs qui sont utilisables à l'échelle transfrontalière.


A taregt is a quantified objective expressed as a value to be reached by an indicator, usually within a given timeframe.

valeur cible
equivalent probative value

Equivalent probative value is a term that, when applied to documents, means that the document offers authentic and reliable evidence, although it may be a replacement for another document that usually is accepted as evidence. The replacement document is considered to offer the same proof/supporting evidence as the original would have done. Accounting documents of equivalent probative value must be provided by project partners in the case of expenditure for which there is no invoice available. For standard scales of unit costs, lump sums, flat rates, and for contributions in-kind, no proof of expenditure must be provided.

valeur probante équivalente
budget breakdown

Budget breakdown is a process of dividing the cost of something into the different parts that make up the total amount, according to who is doing the work and to which budget lines the costs belong.

ventilation du budget

Check means the verification of a specific aspect of a revenue or expenditure operation.


Verification means measures undertaken by FLC and the relevant programme bodies to ensure that co-financed products and services have been delivered and that expenditure declared has been paid, complies with applicable law, the Operational Programme and the conditions for support of the project.

administrative and eligibility checklist

An administrative and eligibility checklist is the checklist used in the first step of the project selection process after the call for proposals closes. The purpose is to verify the basic programme and call for proposals requirements. Failure to comply with some of these criteria can lead to (1) outright rejection of the application, or (2) a request for further information or clarification.

vérification administrative et d'éligibilité

Une liste de contrôle administrative et d'éligibilité est la liste de contrôle utilisée lors de la première étape du processus de sélection des projets après clôture de l'appel à candidatures. L'objectif est de vérifier les exigences du programme de base et de l'appel à propositions. Le non-respect de certains de ces critères peut entraîner (1) le rejet pur et simple de la demande ou (2) une demande d'informations complémentaires ou de clarifications.
