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date of completion

The date of completion is the fixed calendar date specified in a contract to complete a project.

date de clôture
Decision (EU law)

A decision (EU law) is an EU legislative act binding on those to whom it is addressed (e.g., an EU country or an individual company), and is directly applicable.

décision (droit de l'UE)
partner declaration

A Partner Declaration is a statement signed by each project partner confirming their awareness of programme rules and requirements, and that they are familiar with what they are committing to. It can also include a partner's confirmation of their financial contribution to the project budget.

déclaration du partenaire

De-commitment is a mechanism that aims to improve both the speed of programme development and the monitoring of flows of programme funding. The yearly allocations of a programme budget are defined in the Cooperation Programme. These funds have to be spent within three years (by the end of n+3). If they have not been spent they are returned to the European Commission and ‘de-committed’ from the programme.

dégagement d'office

A delay is a period of time before an activity or delivery occurs, when the activity or delivery will take place later than originally planned. Departure from the timeplan.

total expenditure

Total expenditure is all expenditure incurred and paid (or calculated based on simplified cost options) by project partners in relation to implementation of the project activities.

dépense totale
total eligible expenditure

Total eligible expenditure referes to all expenditure that is compliant with EU, programme and national rules, and thus is eligible for co-financing from the programme. In the Progress Report, the total eligible expenditure is calculated based on the total expenditure, excluding net revenue generated by the project.

dépense totale éligible

Expenditure is payment of cash or cash-equivalent for goods or services as evidenced by an invoice or receipt.

ineligible expenditure

Ineligible expenditure is project expenditure found ineligible for being claimed from a programme.

dépenses non éligibles
public expenditure

Public expenditure refers to any public contribution to the financing of operations the source of which is the budget of national, regional or local public authorities, the budget of the Union related to the ESI Funds, the budget of public law bodies or the budget of associations of public authorities or of public law bodies and, for the purpose of determining the co-financing rate for ESF programmes or priorities, may include any financial resources collectively contributed by employers and workers.

dépenses publiques
submission of the application form

Submission of the application form means to present the application form for approval by delivering it to the relevant programme body either in paper or electronic version.

dépôt du dossier de candidature
description of management and control system

The description of management and control system contains details of all the systems needed for adequate management of a programme.

description du système de gestion et de contrôle
sustainable development

Sustainable development is understood as an increase in economic activity which respects the environment and uses natural resources harmoniously so that future generations' capacity to meet their own needs is not compromised.

développement durable (viable, tenable)

Deviation is any departure from the original plan presented in the application form. Deviations are minor changes from the workplan (can be positive or negative in the sense of a delay) which (according to programme rules) don't require an official change procedure, as opposed to changes which require a change procedure (according to programme rules).

dissemination of results

Dissemination of results is the process of making the results and outputs of a project available to the stakeholders and to a wider audience. Dissemination is essential for take-up, and take-up is crucial for the success of the project and for the sustainability of outputs in the long term.

diffusion des résultats
Directorate General (EU)

A Directorate-General (DG) is the term given to the individual departments/services The European Commission is divided into.

Direction générale (UE)
Directive (EU law)

A Directive (EU law) is a legislative act that sets out a goal that all EU countries must achieve. However, it is up to the individual countries to devise their own laws on how to reach these goals.

Directive (droit de l'UE)
application package

An application package consists of all documents required when applying for funding. The essential part of the package is the application form, which is often accompanied by different annexes (depending on programme rules).

dossier de candidature

Une enveloppe de demande comprend tous les documents requis pour présenter une demande de financement. La partie essentielle de cet ensemble est le formulaire de demande, qui est souvent accompagné de différentes annexes (selon les règles du programme).


An allocation is an assignment or allotment of resources to various activities in accordance with a stated goal or policy.


Une affectation est une attribution ou un placement de ressources déléguées à diverses activités conformément à un but ou à une politique établie.

double financing/funding

Double financing/funding is what happens when the same item (expenditure) is submitted for reimbursement to several donors in order to obtain payment for that item from all of them.

double financement

Durability of project outputs and results refers to the long-lasting effect of a project's achievements beyond project duration.

durabilité / pérénnité