Glossaire | Interreg Caraïbes


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expression of interest

An Expression of Interest is a short version of the application form which is used at the first application stage when programmes are using the two-step approach to project selection. The content of it is not binding in the case of submitting the full application form in the second step, but it should not depart significantly from what was initially proposed.

manifestation d'intérêt
procurement procedure

Procurement procedure is a structured procedure designed to consult the market for the purchase of the goods and services. A procurement procedure leads to the conclusion of a public contract. The purpose of a procurement procedure is threefold: (1) to guarantee the widest possible participation of economic operators, (2) to ensure the transparency of operations, and (3) to obtain the desired quality of services, supplies and works at the best possible price.

marché public
calculation method - equitable

An equitable calculation method is a method of determining flat rates, standard scales of unit costs or lump sums that ensures equal treatment of beneficiaries, and does not favour some beneficiaries or projects over others. When establishing simplified cost options, they must be done in advance, and be fair, equitable and verifiable.

méthode de calcul équitable
calculation method - fair

A fair calculation method is a method of determining flat rates, standard scales of unit costs or lump sums that is reasonable; i.e., based on reality, not excessive or extreme. When establishing simplified cost options, they must be done in advance, and be fair, equitable and verifiable.

méthode de calcul juste
calculation method - verifiable

A verifiable calculation method is a method of determining flat rates, standard scales of unit costs or lump sums that is based on documentary evidence, which can be verified. When establishing simplified cost options, they must be done in advance and be fair, equitable and verifiable. (HIT)

méthode de calcul vérifiable

Implementation means carrying out the activities described in the work plan with the purpose of achieving objectives and delivering results.

mise en oeuvre
budget modification

A budget modification is a change of the agreed-upon project budget as defined by the approved application form.

modification budgétaire
project modification

Project modifictaion is a change in the agreed-upon project scope as defined by the approved application form.

modification du projet
work package

A work package is a group of related project activities required to produce project main outputs.

module de travail

An amount is the sum total of two or more quantities or sums.


Un montant est la somme de deux ou plus de quantités ou sommes.

amount certified

The amount certified is the amount of eligible expenditure included in the certificate of the certifying authority (CA) or the controller (FLC).

montant certifié

Le montant certifié est le montant des dépenses éligibles figurant dans l'attestation de l'autorité de certification (CA) ou du contrôleur (FLC).

amount declared

The amount declared is the amount of expenditure incurred and paid (or calculated, based on simplified cost options) by a project partner in relation to preparation, and/or implementation of the project. The amount may include in-kind contribution and depreciation, where applicable, and is subject to verification by the first level controller and the relevant programme bodies.

Montant déclaré

Le montant déclaré est le montant des dépenses engagées et payées (ou calculées, sur la base d'options de coûts simplifiées) par un partenaire du projet dans le cadre de la préparation et/ou de la mise en œuvre du projet. Le montant peut inclure des contributions en nature et des amortissements, le cas échéant, et ce montant fait l'objet d'une vérification par le contrôleur de premier niveau et les organismes pertinents du programme.

amount previously reported

The amount previously reported is the amount of accumulated eligible expenditure certified by the certifying authority (CA) in previous Progress Reports.

montant déclaré précédemment

Le montant indiqué précédemment correspond au montant des dépenses éligibles cumulées certifié par l'autorité de certification (AC) dans les rapports d'avancement antérieurs.

lump sum

Lump Sum is one of the simplified cost options. It is a total allocation of the grant (calculated ex-ante), paid to the project upon completion of pre-defined terms of agreement on activities and/or outputs. Lump sums involve approximations of costs established based on fair, equitable and verifiable calculation methods.

montant forfaitaire
amount verified

The amount verified is the amount of expenditure checked. Verification is performed by first level controllers (FLC) and relevant programme bodies.

montant vérifié

Le montant établi est le montant de la dépense vérifiée. La vérification est effectuée par les contrôleurs de premier niveau (FLC) et les organismes de programme pertinents.

withdrawal, withdrawn amounts

Withdrawal is the process of taking back the irregular expenditure from the programme immidiately when it has been detected, by deducting it from the next interim payment application, therby releasing EU funding from commitment to other project.

montants retirés